Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Ysabel de Cedillo Rico de Rojas

Ysabel de Cedillo Rico de Rojas
Given names
de Cedillo Rico de Rojas
MarriageJuan VARELA JARAMILLOView this family

Baptism of a daughterJosefa VARELA JARAMILLO
February 21, 1700
Note: Bapt. on 21 Feb 1700, Josepha Varela d/ Jn. Varela and Ysavel Rico de Rojas. Padrinos: Manuel Vaca a…
Marriage of a childAntonio GONZALEZ BASJosefa VARELA JARAMILLOView this family
September 14, 1721
Note: Diligencia Matrimonial.
Death of a daughterJosefa VARELA JARAMILLO
after 1765