Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Juan Antonio
MarriageAna Maria BALDEZView this family
May 12, 1741
Note: New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Juan Antonio Mansanares
Baptism of a daughterMaria MANZANARES
May 13, 1742
Note: Name María Manzanares
Baptism of a sonJose Manuel MANZANARES
April 4, 1744
Note: Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Joseph Manuel Manzanares
Baptism of a daughterJoana Jasinta MANZANARES
September 17, 1751
Note: Joana Jasinta Manzanares
Baptism of a sonSalvador Antonio MANZANARES
November 16, 1760
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Salvador Antonio Mansanara
Burial of a sonSalvador Antonio MANZANARES
March 4, 1763
Note: Salvador died as a 3 year old. As was common, his parents named another son Salvador a few years later.
Baptism of a sonSalvador Antonio MANZANARES II
March 15, 1766
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 for Salbador Antonio Mansanares
Death of a sonJose Manuel MANZANARES
before 1800

Note: Deceased at the time of the marriage of his son Cristobal in 1800.
Family with Ana Maria BALDEZ - View this family
Marriage: May 12, 1741Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
3 years
-23 months
Baptism: May 13, 1742Holy Cross Catholic, Santa Clara, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
9 years
Joana Jasinta MANZANARES
Baptism: September 17, 1751Holy Cross Catholic, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
9 years
Salvador Antonio MANZANARES
Baptism: November 16, 1760Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Burial: March 4, 1763Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
5 years


New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Juan Antonio Mansanares

Spouse's Name: Maria Rames Marriage Date: 12 May 1741 Marriage Place: Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

Record is difficult to read. Juan Antonio's wife's surname could be Rames or Yames or Ramos. No other record of Maria Rames could be found in the Santa Cruz records of that decade. Other records indicate Juan's wife was Ana Maria Baldes (Valdes) or Ana Maria Ramos


Uair Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Cardenas, Antonio de. Petition by Antonio de Cardenas to recover money owed him from estate of Juan Lujan He is successful. Serial Number 275-00544 TitleCardenas, Antonio de. Petition by Antonio de Cardenas to recover money owed him from estate of Juan Lujan He is successful. Author(s) Cardenas, Antonio de Date 08-12-1728 Date 11-09-1732 Documentation Santa Cruz. September 11, 1732. 20 pages. Auto. Peticion. Original. Signed. Dct August 12, 1728 - November 9, 1732. Summary(Raul Saba) (1980) Persons Cardenas, Antonio de Lujan, Juan Garsia de Noriega, Juan Esteban (Capitan)Trujillo, Maria Trujillo, Baltasar (Capitan Rael de Aguilar, Alonso Mansanares, Juan Naranjo, Matias Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (Gobernador) PlacesSanta Cruz (Villa) La Canada Santa Fe First LocationAZU Film 2182 rl. 06 fr. 1129-1148. Original LocationSANM, Santa Fe, Span.Arch. 1621-1821, rl. 006 ff. 1129-1148. Other Location UNM-Zimmerman Library. Language Spanish Notes Twitchell Vol. II, no. 0369. Batch Reference Number8552


Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Lujan, Miguel. Proceedings in trial of Miguel Lujan for the death of his wife, Catalina de Valdes. Serial Number275-00358 TitleLujan, Miguel. Proceedings in trial of Miguel Lujan for the death of his wife, Catalina de Valdes. Author(s) Lujan, Miguel Date 04-20-1713 Date 10-22-1714 Documentation Santa Fee. October 22, 1714. 83 pages. Auto. Diligencias. Original. Signed. Dct April 20, 1713 - October 22, 1714. Summary Catalina de Valdes is found battered and bloody, with grievous wounds to her face and Head. She Dies. There are no eyewitnesses to the cause of her wounds, and an attempt is made to pass off her death as being Accidental. But, the governor comissions general Hurtado to conduct an intensive investigation, which produces damning circumstancial evidence against Miguel Lujan, Husband of the deceased. Lujan maintains that he is innocent. The governor places him under arrest and sends him under escort of two soldiers on a long trip to Ciudad de Mexico, placing the case in the hands of the viceroy. On a stopover at the real de San Francisco de Cuellar (which has no proper prison), Lujan escapes and takes refuge in the church. There is an investigation of the escape. The fate of Lujan is not given. (Lloyd Kendall) (1980)

Persons Lujan, Miguel Sanches, Jacinto (Sargento Reformado)Romero, FranciscaValdes, Catalina deA tiensia Alcala, Juan de Atiensia, Joseph deDuran de Armijo, Antonio (Varvero y Curadero)Rodarte, Baltasar Lujan, Juana Duran, Josepha Herrera, Casilda de Masanares, Thomassa de Angel, MiguelMartin, XptobalRoybal, CapitanFlores ...

PlacesSanta Cruz (Villa)Las LomasLa CanadaSanta Fee (Villa)El Rio Ariva (El Rio Arriba)San Ydelfonsso (Pueblo)Santa Clara (Pueblo)La Mesilla de San YdelsfonsoMexico (Ciudad)El Passo (Jurisdiccion) (Presidio)Chiguagua (Jurisdiccion) (Real)El Real y Minas de San Fransisco de Cuellar El Pasaje (Presidio)


Named in baptism of their son Jose Manuel in 1744

Marriage1744 Marriage of Juan Antonio Manzanares in Santa Cruz NM1744 Marriage of Juan Antonio Manzanares in Santa Cruz NM
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