Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Carlota SOTELOAge: 49 years18681917

Carlota SOTELO
Given names
Birth 1868 41 39

Baptism of a brotherJose Silverio Plutarco SOTELO
June 27, 1869 (Age 17 months)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Jose Silverio Plutarco Sotelo Flores
MarriageJose MENDOZAView this family
May 10, 1888 (Age 20 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 For Maria Carlita Sotelo
Death of a motherDominga FLORES
July 14, 1910 (Age 42 years) Age: 80
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Dominga Flores de Sotelo
Death April 11, 1917 (Age 49 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Carlota Sotelo
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 23, 1849Parish of Nonoava, Chihuahua, Mexico
5 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
Jose Eugenio de Jesus SOTELO
Baptism: November 27, 1859 32 30San Lorenzo, Doctor Belisario Dominguez, Chihuahua, Mexico
18 months
younger brother
Jose Silverio Plutarco SOTELO
Baptism: June 27, 1869 42 40San Lorenzo, Doctor Belisario Dominguez, Chihuahua, Mexico
-15 years
elder sister
Family with Jose MENDOZA - View this family
Marriage: May 10, 1888Santa Maria, Chihuahua, Mexico


Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 For Maria Carlita Sotelo Age: 20 Birth Year: abt 1868 Registration or Marriage Date: 10 may. 1888 Registration or Marriage Place: Santa María, Chihuahua, México (Mexico) Spouse: José Mendoza Father: Antonio Sotelo Mother: Maria Dominga Flores Page Number: 37


Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Carlota Sotelo Gender: Mujer (Female) Age: 61 Birth Year: abt 1856 Death Registration Date: 11 abr. 1917 (11 Apr 1917) Death Registration Place: Santa María de Cuevas, Chihuahua, México (Mexico) Father: Antonio Sotelo Mother: Dominga Flores Page Number: 103