Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Antonio LUCERO

Antonio LUCERO
Given names
MarriageFrancisca JARAMILLOView this family
September 27, 1712
Note: Prenuptial Investigation
Birth of a son
about 1725

Land Grant
August 2, 1728
Note: On 2 Aug 1728 Antonio (II) initiated a petition to don Juan Domingo de Bustamante, governor of New M…
Marriage of a childMiguel LUCEROFrancisca SANTISTEBENView this family
about 1754
Note: Miguel Lucero was born circa 1734. He married Maria Francisca Santisteban circa 1754 in New Mexico.…
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1685El Paso del Norte, Nuevo Mexico
Family with Francisca JARAMILLO - View this family
Marriage: September 27, 1712Albuquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España
13 years


Prenuptial Investigation Jose Antonio II Lucero de Godoy Diligencia Matrimonial September 9, 1712 Santa Fe, New Mexico, Spain

Religious marriage Jose Antonio II Lucero de Godoy September 27, 1712 (aged 19 years) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Spain


On 2 Aug 1728 Antonio (II) initiated a petition to don Juan Domingo de Bustamante, governor of New Mexico, asking for land north of the Cochiti Pueblo Indian Grant . . . Antonio (II) now received a long, narrow portion of land within the Cochiti Canyon. The grant, which may have been given as pasturage for the horse herds of regional militias, was escribed as being bounded on the north by one of the old pueblos of the Cochiti, on the east by the Rio Grande, on the south by the present Cochiti Pueblo, and on the west by the Jemez Mountains. Antonio (II)s grant which may have exceeded 100,000 acres, was certified at a later date by Juan Antonio Baca, chief alcalde of Cochiti. Antonio Lucero de Godoy (II) and his wife, Francisca Varela Jaramillo, moved with their children to their Cañada de Cochiti land grant some time after it was awarded to them in 1728.

Donald L. Lucero "The Adobe Kingdom, New Mexico 1598-1958", 2009, Sunstone Press, Santa FE, NM, p. 153.