Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Victor Oliver Was a Judge in Oregon

Victor OLIVERAge: 99 years18861986

Given names
Birth October 18, 1886 39 37
Death of a fatherJohn OLIVER
October 26, 1894 (Age 8 years)
Note: From Findagrave: Name: John Olliver
Death of a brotherCharles OLIVER
June 6, 1968 (Age 81 years)

Note: From: Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb
Death June 5, 1986 (Age 99 years) Age: 99
Note: Find a Grave
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 12, 1873Warrick, Indiana, USA
3 years
elder brother
5 years
elder brother
8 years
Victor Oliver Was a Judge in OregonVictor OLIVER
Birth: October 18, 1886 39 37Boonville, IN
Death: June 5, 1986Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States of America
Family with Mildred SLONAKER - View this family
Victor Oliver Was a Judge in OregonVictor OLIVER
Birth: October 18, 1886 39 37Boonville, IN
Death: June 5, 1986Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States of America


From: Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors

Olliver, Victor Submitted by Tamara Kincaide Carey, Charles Henry

History of Oregon Pioneer Historical Pub. Co., 1922, 2535 pgs. A prominent attorney in Albany, now serving as justice of the peace, in addition to his practice, was born in Boonville, Indiana October 18, 1886, of the marriage of John and Elizabeth (Lockyear) Olliver, the former a native of England, the latter of Indiana. When about 21 years of age the father immigrated to America, going to southern Indiana, he purchased land in the vicinity of Boonville, which he improved and developed, continuing its cultivation throughout the remainder of his life, he passed away October 1894, the mother's death occurring February 1901.

In the public schools of Warrick County, Indiana, Victor Olliver acquired his education. After his graduation from high school he engaged in teaching in different parts of the state for a period of five years and then pursued a course in the Oakland City College in Indiana, while later he became a student at the University of Indiana for one year, which he graduated with the LL B degree in 1912. He then practiced law at Marion, Indiana for one year and in 1913 came to Oregon, opening a law office in Albany in November of that year, and here he continued his practice in offices in the First National Bank building.

His fellow citizens recognizing his worth and ability, called him to public office and in 1916 he was appointed city attorney of Albany, also serving until 1919. He was elected justice of the peace in November 1918,and since the first of January 1919, ably has served his office. His standing in the community is indicated in the fact that parties nominated him, he is an able attorney well informed in all branches of the law, and his ability is manifest in the logic of his deductions and the clearness of his reasoning.

On the 25th of October 1915, Mr. Olliver was united in marriage to Miss Mildred Slonaker, a daughter of A S and Nettie (Gray) Slonaker, natives of Indiana. The father is engaged in farming in Randolph County Indiana.

Mr. and Mrs. Olliver have become the parents of a daughter, Mary Louise, whose birth occurred September 2 1916. In his political views he is a republican, a member of the Oddfellows and Masons, he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, active in its work he is the secretary of the board. He is a member of the Linn County Oregon Bar Association, He stands high as a man and citizen, and he enjoys the respect, goodwill and confidence of his associates.


Find a Grave

Name Victor Olliver
Birth 18 October 1886 Boonville, Warrick County, Indiana, United States of America
Death 5 June 1986 Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States of America
Burial Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States of America New Mother Elizabeth Olliver

BirthDelayed Birth Record From 1950Delayed Birth Record From 1950
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Media objectVictor Gives History of Family in IndianaVictor Gives History of Family in Indiana
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Media objectVictor Oliver Was a Judge in OregonVictor Oliver Was a Judge in Oregon
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Media objectVictor Oliver As a Young ManVictor Oliver As a Young Man
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