Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William SCOTT1719

William SCOTT
Given names
Birth May 29, 1719
Note: From baptism record.
Baptism May 31, 1719 (Age 2 days)

Birth of a brotherRobert SCOTT
July 1725 (Age 6 years)
Note: This birth record is unproved, but is likely the birth of William's father Robert. The record is pr…

Death of a fatherWilliam SCOTT
November 30, 1755 (Age 36 years)

From baptism record.

Baptism1719 Baptism Record of William Scott of Balfour, Son of William1719 Baptism Record of William Scott of Balfour, Son of William
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 1,436 × 126 pixels
File size: 21 KB
Type: Certificate
BaptismPage of William Scott's Baptism, Tullynessle and Forbes, 1719Page of William Scott's Baptism, Tullynessle and Forbes, 1719
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 924 × 1,013 pixels
File size: 418 KB
Type: Document