Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Note: She was married to [Juan] Cristobal Enriquez. Her husband died in about early 1684, based on the bap…
Death of a husbandCristoval ENRRIQUEZ
before 1684

Note: Dead at the time of his daughter Juana's baptism in 1684.
Baptism of a daughterJuana ENRRIQUEZ y MENDOSA
December 18, 1684
Note: Parroquia de San Bartolomé, Valle de San Bartolomé, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva España.
Marriage of a childSimon PEREZ GRANILLO IICatharina ENRRIQUESView this family
April 25, 1694
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Simon Perez Granillo
Hacienda San Julian
Note: Maria Dominguez de Mendosa was the dueño of a Hacienda San Julian near the present city of Chihuahua…

Nicolas Enrriquez Sued by Neighbors Over Wood Cutting on Hacienda San Julian
Nicolas Enrriquez Sued by Neighbors Over Wood Cutting on Hacienda San Julian

Note: This lawsuit indicates that Nicolas Enrriquez was sued for preventing neighbors from cutting wood on the labor San Julian, owned by Juan Enrriquez, son of Maria Dominguez. Maria's son in law Simon Granillo was also mentioned in the suit.

Marriage of a childJoseph Bernardo SAENSJuana ENRRIQUEZ y MENDOSAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 3, 1704
Marriage of a childAndres DIAS CABALLEROEstefania ENRRIQUEZView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 3, 1704
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Estefania Enrriques
Death of a sonJuan ENRRIQUEZ y MENDOSA
before August 1707
Note: Juan's mother Maria Domiguez was his beneficiary and covered his debts.
Residence 1707
Marriage of a childAntonio ENRRIQUEZ y MENDOSAJuana de ACOSTAView this family
May 16, 1718
Marriage of a childCapitán Lucas ENRRIQUEZRossa ASCUE HIERROView this family
May 18, 1721
Note: Marriage record for Lucas Enriquez
Death after 1721

Note: Maria was alive at the time of her son Lucas' marriage in 1721.
Family with Cristoval ENRRIQUEZ - View this family


She was married to [Juan] Cristobal Enriquez. Her husband died in about early 1684, based on the baptism record of her daughter Juana, when it was noted Maria was a widow, with Capitan Joseph Sapian and his wife serving as padrinos. In 1707, she owned and operated the Hacienda Julian, and presented her title and papers and her account book of the servants she paid to Governor Juan Fernandez de Cordoba. In 1698, she and her son Juan Enriquez served as padrinos for a child at a Franciscan chapel in the Valle of San Bartolome. Her other son was Antonio. According to records, including her testimony and Antonio’s, her son Juan died before her and she was his sole heir.

Cite: Jurisdiction of San Bartolome (1698) Valle de Allende, FHL 162634, pp. 112, 252; Parral Archive, Fondo Colonial, Gobierno y administración, Visitas, AHMP.FC.A23.003.073, Justicia, Demandas de deudas, AHMP.FC.D12.048.838

Taken from: linealist: New Mexican History and Archive Projects December 18, 2015, After the Pueblo Revolt, Part 2


Maria Dominguez de Mendosa was the dueño of a Hacienda San Julian near the present city of Chihuahua. There are various documents in the Archives of Parral that demonstrate lawsuits between landowners of west Chihuahua. In one lawsuit Maria sued one of her neighbors Miguel Cano de los Rios over water rights. Miguel had constructed a dam that held up water that Maria needed to irrigate wheat and other crops. This is a case of one of our ancestors suing another ancestor!!


Maria was alive at the time of her son Lucas' marriage in 1721.

PropertyMaria Dominguez Sued Miguel Cano Over Water Rights in 1702Maria Dominguez Sued Miguel Cano Over Water Rights in 1702
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PropertyNicolas Enrriquez Sued by Neighbors Over Wood Cutting on Hacienda San JulianNicolas Enrriquez Sued by Neighbors Over Wood Cutting on Hacienda San Julian
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Type: Document
Note: This lawsuit indicates that Nicolas Enrriquez was sued for preventing neighbors from cutting wood on the labor San Julian, owned by Juan Enrriquez, son of Maria Dominguez. Maria's son in law Simon Granillo was also mentioned in the suit.
ResidenceMaria Dominguez Was Visited by Government Officials, 1707, Hacienda San JulianMaria Dominguez Was Visited by Government Officials, 1707, Hacienda San Julian
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