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![]() | Note: Possibly Ribadesella, Asturias
![]() | Maria MAESTRO MEDINA January 24, 1754 |
![]() | Antonio de la VEGA MONTOTO — View this family October 17, 1776 Note: Antonio's Parents: Agustín Maestro y Manuela Medina, vecinos de Ribadesella. Antonia's parents not m… Antonio's Parents: Agustín Maestro y Manuela Medina, vecinos de Ribadesella. Antonia's parents not mentioned. Witnesses were from Ribadesella and from Villaviciosa. |
![]() | Francisco MAESTRO ERRANTE January 29, 1779 Buried in parish of Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental. From Archives of Diocese of Brugos: Fatal accident. Relaciones familiares: Marido de Catalina Gato, vecinos de Melgar. Padre de Pedro, Agustín, Antonio y Catalina Maestro Notas al margen y otras informaciones relevantes: Pobre. Sólo recibió la Extremaunción por la gravedad de su accidente. No testó por no tener de qué. Se le enterró a las Puertas del Sol, con todo el Cabildo y cuatro capas, y misa cantada en el entierro a petición de su hijo Pedro Maestro |
![]() | Catalina GATO DÍEZ September 19, 1779 Note: Recibió los Santos Sacramentos. Testó ante el escribano del número de Melgar Don Lorenzo Ramos, el 1… Recibió los Santos Sacramentos. Testó ante el escribano del número de Melgar Don Lorenzo Ramos, el 17 de dicho mes y año, mandando ser enterrada en la sepultura de su marido con todo el cabildo y cuatro capas, misa cantada del entierro, dos misas cantadas y diez y ocho reales de limosna por su alma y cuatro por penitencias mal cumplidas. Nombró por su albacea a su hijo Pedro Maestro Gato. Desde: Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Burgos Libro y folio: Difuntos 1779 174 Parroquia: Santa María de Melgar de Fernamental |
![]() #1 | Francisco del la VEGA MAESTRO May 3, 1780 Note: 1848 Marriage record of his daughter Marcela states Francisco was native of the Parish of San Vidro … 1848 Marriage record of his daughter Marcela states Francisco was native of the Parish of San Vidro el Real in Oviedo, Asturias. But Francisco's marriage record said he was from Lastres. Possible record of Francisco Vega's baptism: Record found in the Archives of Oviedo Diocese in Asturias. Box 15.8.3 Baptisms 1723-1806 Santa Maria de Sabada, Lastres, Colunga. Book searched 1774-1792. This was the only Francisco Vega baptized in Lastres in that era. December 5, 1780 (Age 2 days) Santa Maria de Sabada, Lastres, Colunga, Asturias pages 303-304: Francisco Xavier Vega, 5 Dec 1780. A boy, born 3 dec 1780, named Francisco Xavier, son of Antonio de la Vega & Antonia Maertes?, a widow & his second wife, residents of of the named Puente. Antonio was the son of Antonio la Vega & Maricel Montoto?, originally of the parish of Fuentes (Villavicosa), and the stated Antonia ? of Augustin Maester & Francisca Maestro, residents of the Villa of Rivadesella, & natives of the diocese of Burgos. Witnesses: Joaquin de la Fuente & Jacinta Cardosa, vecinos de mismo Puente de Lastres. (Translated from difficult to read Spanish; originals may not be copied in the archives.) |
![]() | Antonio de la VEGA MONTOTO before 1804 (on the date of death) |
![]() | before 1804 |
Family with parents - View this family |
father |
Augustin MAESTRO GATO Birth: August 27, 1732 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
mother | |
herself |
Antonia MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos Death: before 1804 |
sister |
Maria MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: September 6, 1752 20 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos Death: January 6, 1753 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
17 months sister |
Maria MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: January 24, 1754 21 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
Family with Antonio de la VEGA MONTOTO - View this family |
husband | |
herself |
Antonia MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos Death: before 1804 |
Marriage: October 17, 1776 — Santa Magdalena de Ribadesella, Asturias |
4 years son |
Francisco del la VEGA MAESTRO Birth: May 3, 1780 — Lastres, Asturias, Spain Death: before 1855 |
Birth | Possibly Ribadesella, Asturias |
Marriage | Antonio's Parents: Agustín Maestro y Manuela Medina, vecinos de Ribadesella. Antonia's parents not mentioned. Witnesses were from Ribadesella and from Villaviciosa. |
Marriage | Marriage Record from Catholic Archives of Oviedo, Asturias Format: application/pdf File size: 93 KB Type: Document |
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Family with parents | |
Family with Antonio de la VEGA MONTOTO | |
Antonio de la VEGA MONTOTO
Francisco del la VEGA MAESTRO