Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Juan Crisostomo FLORES1825

Juan Crisostomo FLORES
Given names
Juan Crisostomo
Birth 1825
Birth of a sisterDominga FLORES
1829 (Age 4 years)
Marriage of parentsAlejo FLORESJosefa JimenesView this family
February 15, 1846 (Age 21 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages for Juan Jose Flores
Death of a motherJosefa Jimenes
1849 (Age 24 years)

Note: In the 1849 marriage for Antonio Sotelo and Josefa's daughter it was stated that Josefa was deceased.
MarriageCamila Mariana OLGUINView this family
March 16, 1850 (Age 25 years)
Death of a sisterDominga FLORES
July 14, 1910 (Age 85 years) Age: 80
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Dominga Flores de Sotelo
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 15, 1846Parish of Nonoava, Chihuahua, Mexico
younger sister
-3 years
Family with Camila Mariana OLGUIN - View this family
Marriage: March 16, 1850Parish of Nonoava, Chihuahua, Mexico


Juan Crisostomo Flores and Camila Mariana Olguin from Mexico Marriages Name Juan Crisostomo Flores Birth Date 1825 Age 25 Spouse's Name Camila Mariana Olguin Spouse's Birth Date 1824 Spouse's Age 26 Event Date 16 Mar 1850 Father's Name Alejos Flores Mother's Name Josefa Ximenes Spouse's Father's Name Jesus Olguin Spouse's Mother's Name Francisca Corral

No mention of grandparents.