Maria MAESTRO MEDINAAge: 4 months1752–1753
- Name
- Given names
- Maria
- Surname
Note: She likely died as an infant since the parents also named the next child Maria in 1754.
![]() | September 6, 1752 20 |
![]() | January 6, 1753 (Age 4 months) Note: Unverified date taken from tree: mvillaescusa on in 2022.
Family with parents |
father |
Augustin MAESTRO GATO Birth: August 27, 1732 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
mother | |
sister |
Antonia MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos Death: before 1804 |
herself |
Maria MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: September 6, 1752 20 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos Death: January 6, 1753 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
17 months younger sister |
Maria MAESTRO MEDINA Birth: January 24, 1754 21 — Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos |
Name | She likely died as an infant since the parents also named the next child Maria in 1754. |
Death | Unverified date taken from tree: mvillaescusa on in 2022. |
Birth | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,209 × 1,428 pixels File size: 225 KB Type: Document |
Birth | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,362 × 2,170 pixels File size: 2,853 KB Type: Document |