Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary COLLINS1825

Given names
Note: This could be the same daughter as Mary Ann Collins who claimed to have been born in 1830.
Baptism August 7, 1825
Note: From Killaveny parish records. Aug 7, Knocknaboley, Mary for Michael Collins and Mary Saunders Sponsors Alexander ?? and Margaret Strahan.
Death of a maternal grandmotherMargaret STRAHAN
after 1825 (Age )
Note: Margaret STRAHAN Saunders was still alive in Aug 1825. She was the sponsor for her granddaughter Mar…
Death of a maternal grandfatherAndrew SAUNDERS
1828 (Age 2 years)
Note: The image: A remnant of the Probate Index for Ireland shows Andrew Saunders had died by 1828 found o…

Birth of a sisterMary Ann COLLINS
1830 (Age 4 years)

Note: From her death certificate and also from various census records.
Birth of a brotherMichael COLLINS
January 31, 1830 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn COLLINS
September 7, 1832 (Age 7 years)

Note: John Collins Baptism in Mullins Rea
Death of a brotherJohn COLLINS
1832 (Age 6 years)

Death of a fatherMichael COLLINS
before 1861 (Age 35 years)

Death of a brotherJohn COLLINS
April 9, 1880 (Age 54 years) Age: 45
Note: Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 For John Collins
Death of a sisterMary Ann COLLINS
March 10, 1912 (Age 86 years) Age: 81

Note: Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1948
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 28, 1816Killaveny Parish, Wicklow
4 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
Birth: August 31, 1823 21Knocknaboley, Killaveny RC Parish, Wicklow
Death: 1832
23 months
5 years
younger sister
1 month
younger brother
3 years
younger brother


From Killaveny parish records. Aug 7, Knocknaboley, Mary for Michael Collins and Mary Saunders Sponsors Alexander ?? and Margaret Strahan.


This could be the same daughter as Mary Ann Collins who claimed to have been born in 1830.

BaptismBaptism Record for Mary Collins, Knocknaboley, 1825Baptism Record for Mary Collins, Knocknaboley, 1825
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