Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Joseph SAES de GARFIAS1645

Given names
Also known as
Jusepe Saes
Also known as
Joseph Saenz
Note: Jusepe (Joseph) Saes gave a deposition in 1669 that said Francisca Garfias, wife of Diego cano, was his sister. This is in all likelihood the same man who requested cattle ranches near the Rio Concho in 1686.
Birth about 1645 45

Note: According to the deposition he gave at the inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669, he was 24 years old.
Property 1686 (Age 41 years)
Note: 16 years after his testimony in the inquest of Antonia Cano's death, Capt Joseph Saenz de Garfias re…
Death of a sisterFrancisca SAES y GARFIAS
after July 1699 (Age 54 years)

Note: Francisca was listed as a widow in the burial record of her son Francisco Cano in 1699
Death of a brotherAmbrosio SAES de GARFIAS II
about 1704 (Age 59 years)
Note: Wiil states he is son of Ambrosio Saes and Magdalena de Garfias, he was born in Valle de San Bartolome and Ana Rodriguez was his legitimate wife. It also names his legitimate children: Augustin, Magdalena, Ambrosio, Antonio, Francisca, Maria, Juan and Mattias.

Death of a sisterFrancisca SAES y GARFIAS
before 1709 (Age 64 years)

Note: She was deceased at the time of her daughters Juana's marriage in 1709.
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
9 years


According to the deposition he gave at the inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669, he was 24 years old.


16 years after his testimony in the inquest of Antonia Cano's death, Capt Joseph Saenz de Garfias requests official registration of 2 cattle ranches.

Fondos del Parral AHMPFCA17017362 Gobierno y administración Minas y terrenos Valle de San Bartolomé 20/08/1686 Registro de dos sitios de ganado, entre Todos los Santos y el río Conchos, por el capitán José Sáenz de Garfias.


Jusepe (Joseph) Saes gave a deposition in 1669 that said Francisca Garfias, wife of Diego cano, was his sister. This is in all likelihood the same man who requested cattle ranches near the Rio Concho in 1686.

BirthDepostion by Jusepe (Joseph) Saes, Brother of Francisca de Garfias in 1669Depostion by Jusepe (Joseph) Saes, Brother of Francisca de Garfias in 1669
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PropertyJoseph Garfias y Saenz Request Approval of Two Cattle Ranches, 168Joseph Garfias y Saenz Request Approval of Two Cattle Ranches, 168
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