Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Note: Ambrosio Sáez identified himself as a vecino y labrador del Valle de San Bartolomé when he registered a mine. He titled his mine "la mina de Sacramento." In this claim he mentioned the name of a son, Juan Sáez, and he mentioned a brother, "Capitán Antonio Saes, mi hermano." (1645B, fr. 556-557).
Death of a paternal grandfatherCapitán Pedro SANCHRZ de CHAVEZ
Note: There is a document from 1633 in which María Rodríguez referred to herself as "muger legitima que fue de Pedro Saez de Chaves, difunto" ("legitimate wife of Pedro Sáez de Cháves, deceased") [AHP, Roll 1633A, fr. 634]. She referenced the last will and testament of her husband, indicating he was dead by 1633.
Birth of a brotherAmbrosio SAES de GARFIAS II
about 1635
Birth of a sisterFrancisca SAES y GARFIAS
about 1637

Note: In a declaration at the Inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669 Francisca stated she (Francisca) was 32 years old.
Birth of a brotherJoseph SAES de GARFIAS
about 1645

Note: According to the deposition he gave at the inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669, he was 24 years old.
Death of a sisterFrancisca SAES y GARFIAS
after July 1699

Note: Francisca was listed as a widow in the burial record of her son Francisco Cano in 1699
Death of a brotherAmbrosio SAES de GARFIAS II
about 1704
Note: Wiil states he is son of Ambrosio Saes and Magdalena de Garfias, he was born in Valle de San Bartolome and Ana Rodriguez was his legitimate wife. It also names his legitimate children: Augustin, Magdalena, Ambrosio, Antonio, Francisca, Maria, Juan and Mattias.

Death of a sisterFrancisca SAES y GARFIAS
before 1709

Note: She was deceased at the time of her daughters Juana's marriage in 1709.
Family with parents - View this family
3 years
9 years


Ambrosio Sáez identified himself as a vecino y labrador del Valle de San Bartolomé when he registered a mine. He titled his mine "la mina de Sacramento." In this claim he mentioned the name of a son, Juan Sáez, and he mentioned a brother, "Capitán Antonio Saes, mi hermano." (1645B, fr. 556-557).