Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Catherine <unknown>

Catherine <unknown>
Given names
Married name
Catherine ABEL
MarriageJoseph ABELView this family

Note: From : The Gann Gazette Volume 31, No. 3, Winter 2024 article by Thea Baker and Mary McCarter Willco…
Birth of a daughter
about 1735

Birth of a son
Joseph ABEL Jr
about 1736

Death of a husbandJoseph ABEL
May 1772
Death of a daughterJane ABEL
about 1788

Death of a sonJoseph ABEL Jr


From : The Gann Gazette Volume 31, No. 3, Winter 2024 article by Thea Baker and Mary McCarter Willcox

"Conventional searches through deed books are time and labor intensive. Without the extraordinary power of the AI-enabled technology, the discovery of Catherine Abel would have been exceedingly so. Having obtained land in 1740 in one county (Orange), and by 1750 having moved to a second county (Frederick), Joseph and Catherine did not sell the land they had acquired twenty years earlier in the first county until 1760, and in yet a third county! Ten or more years of thick deed books with hundreds of pages each to click through would have been a long slog with no certainty that a land sale had ever taken place.

Luckily for us, though, a sale did take place and a deed was found. On 18 September 1760, some eleven years, or thereabouts, after moving into Frederick County, having twenty years earlier on 22 October 1740 been deeded 200 acres in Orange from Robert and Sarah Coleman, 7 Joseph and Catherine sold the property to Joseph Campbell in Culpeper. We read in the transcription from the top of page 396 in Deed Book C"