Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Lazaro FIERRO1790

Given names
Also known as
Lazaro Hierro
Also known as
Lazaro Gierro
Note: Español
Birth of a son
Basilio Cristobal FIERRO
about 1754
Birth of a son
Jose Domingo FIERRO
about 1756
Birth of a son
Jose Nicolas FIERRO
about 1757
Baptism of a daughterMaria Barbara Alexandra FIERRO
August 8, 1774
Note: Maria Barbara Alexandra Gierro Salsido from Mexico Baptisms
Maria Barbara Alexandra Baptism in 1774
Maria Barbara Alexandra Baptism in 1774

Note: Father's Name: Lazaro Gierro

Death of a wifeRita SALSIDO
before 1778

Note: The marriage record of her son Nicolas in 1778 stated Rita Salcido was deceased.
Marriage of a childJose Nicolas FIERROFrancisca Petra Geronima RONQUILLOView this family
Type: Religious marriage
May 21, 1778
Note: Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950
Marriage Record of Nicolas Fierro & Maria Ronquillo
Marriage Record of Nicolas Fierro & Maria Ronquillo

Note: Bride and Groom Parents:

Dragones Provinciales de San Carlos
January 1, 1781
Note: According to the 1781 muster, Lazaro Fierro was a member of the third Co, 1st Squadron of the Drago…
Burial June 18, 1790
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Lazaro Fierro
Family with Rita SALSIDO - View this family
3 years
2 years
18 years


According to the 1781 muster, Lazaro Fierro was a member of the third Co, 1st Squadron of the Dragones Provinciales de San Carlos at the same time as his sons were in a different unit.

The note attached to his name seems to indicate he retired later in 1781.




Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Lazaro Fierro Gender: Hombre (Male) Record Type: entierro (Burial) Burial Date: 18 jun. 1790 Burial Place: Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Valle de Zaragoza, Chihuahua, Mexico


Named in marriage of their son Nicolas.


Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile FIERRO, JOSEPH NICOLAS BID Number 18665 Birth N.D.: CONCHOS (RIO) Occupation 1781 Mar 04: PARRAL/AGRICULTURAL LABORER (CAMPERO)1781 Mar 04: TULE (ARRIBA)/RESIDENT Family FIERRO, LAZARO (Father) SALCIDO, RITA (Mother ) FIERRO, BASILIO (BR) Notes AGE 24, AT TIME DOCUMENT WAS WRITTEN Other Information PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION GIVEN

AZU FILM 318, PARRAL 1790 B, FR. 0659

MilitaryLazaro Fierro in the 1781 Muster of the Dragones Provinciales de San CarlosLazaro Fierro in the 1781 Muster of the Dragones Provinciales de San Carlos
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BurialBurial of Lazaro Fierro of Valle de San Bartolome in Valle de Zaragosa, 1790Burial of Lazaro Fierro of Valle de San Bartolome in Valle de Zaragosa, 1790
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Type: Document