Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Bernardo de ARMENDARIZAge: 50 years16471697

Bernardo de ARMENDARIZ
Given names
Also known as
Bernardo de Asque y Armendariz
Also known as
Capitán Bernardo de Azcué y Armendáriz Ausens
Note: A Basque from Navarre.
Birth 1647
MarriageMaria GUERREROView this family

Robbery 1671 (Age 24 years)
Note: 2295 913 En averiguacion del robo que perpetraron en la casa del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue. 20 ff. G-22 Año 1671
Baptism of a sonBernardo de ASCUE ARMENDARIZ y GUERRERO
January 10, 1672 (Age 25 years)
Religious marriageMaria del HIERRO y ZERECEDAView this family
December 26, 1677 (Age 30 years)
Note: Marriage record shows Bernardo was a widower of Maria Guerrero of Navarra and was the son of Juan Asque y Armendariz and his wife Doña C Ausens.

Death of a wifeMaria GUERRERO
1677 (Age 30 years)

Note: Maria's husband Bernardo remarried in 1677.
Baptism of a daughterAntonia de ARMENDARIZ
January 8, 1679 (Age 32 years)
Baptism of a sonManuel ASQUE ARMENDARIZ
October 2, 1680 (Age 33 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 Manuel Ascue Hierro
Baptism of a daughterMaria Cathalina ASCUE HIERRO
December 12, 1683 (Age 36 years)
Baptism of a sonPedro de ARMENDARIZ
December 10, 1685 (Age 38 years)
Baptism of a daughterYsabel de ASCUE ARMENDARIZ Y HIERRO
August 1, 1688 (Age 41 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Ysabel Azque Hierro
Baptism of a sonJoachin ASCUE ARMENDARIZ HIERRO
April 14, 1692 (Age 45 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Joachin Asque Hierro
Baptism of a daughterFrancisca Rossa de ASCUE ARMENDARIZ y HIERRO
July 13, 1693 (Age 46 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Franca. Rossa Asque Hierro
Hacienda de San Lorenzo
1696 (Age 49 years)
Baptism of a sonFrancisco Javier Joseph de ARMENDARIZ HIERRO
March 16, 1697 (Age 50 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Franco. Xavier Joseph Ascue Hierro
Death 1697 (Age 50 years)
Note: 3238 585 Diligencias practicadas con motivo de la muerte del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue y Armendariz y demanda puesta por el Capn. Juan Domingo de Tarin contra Doña Maria del Hierro mujer del difunto por cantidad de 20,338 ps. que le quedo deviendo el dho. Don Berdo. quando fallesio. 77 ff. G-9 Año 1697
Litigation After Death
1698 (12 months after death)

Note: 3238 585 Diligencias practicadas con motivo de la muerte del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue y Armendariz y demanda puesta por el Capn. Juan Domingo de Tarin contra Doña Maria del Hierro mujer del difunto por cantidad de 20,338 ps. que le quedo deviendo el dicho Don Berdo. cuando fallecio. 77 ff. G-9
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Maria del HIERRO y ZERECEDA - View this family
Marriage: December 26, 1677San Jose, Hidalgo Del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
1 year
2 years
Baptism: December 10, 1685 38San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
3 years
4 years
-12 years
13 years
4 years
Family with Maria GUERRERO - View this family


2295 913 En averiguacion del robo que perpetraron en la casa del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue. 20 ff. G-22 Año 1671


Marriage record shows Bernardo was a widower of Maria Guerrero of Navarra and was the son of Juan Asque y Armendariz and his wife Doña C Ausens.


A Basque from Navarre.


3238 585 Diligencias practicadas con motivo de la muerte del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue y Armendariz y demanda puesta por el Capn. Juan Domingo de Tarin contra Doña Maria del Hierro mujer del difunto por cantidad de 20,338 ps. que le quedo deviendo el dho. Don Berdo. quando fallesio. 77 ff. G-9 Año 1697


3238 585 Diligencias practicadas con motivo de la muerte del Capitan Bernardo de Ascue y Armendariz y demanda puesta por el Capn. Juan Domingo de Tarin contra Doña Maria del Hierro mujer del difunto por cantidad de 20,338 ps. que le quedo deviendo el dicho Don Berdo. cuando fallecio. 77 ff. G-9


This note was posted to under the person: Capitán Bernardo de Azcué y Armendáriz Ausens.

En Acta de nacimiento de Juan Francisco Asque Hierro se aclara que sus padres son Bernardo (Jr) de Asque y Armendaris Gonzalez y Beatris del Hierro y Zereceda. Y Los Padrinos son Captn. Bernardo(Viejo) de Asque y Armendariz Ausens y Maria del Hierro y Zereceda.


El capitan Bernardo de Asque y Armendariz Ausens se Caso con Maria Guerrero de Oñate y Nacio Bernardo(Jr) de Asque y Armendariz Guerrero (About 1663).

Murio Maria Guerrero de Oñate y el Capitan Bernardo de Asque y Armendariz Ausens se caso con Maria del Hierro y Zereceda y Gonzalez en 26 December 1677 (San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua).

Bernardo (Jr) de Asque y Armendariz y Guerrero se caso con Beatris Del Hierro De Zerezeda (possible Hermana de Maria del Hierro y Zereceda) y nacio Juan Francisco de Asque y Armendariz Hierro.

Se puede confundir pero pueden ver el link donde estan las 4 personas. Acta de Juan Francisco de ascue y Armendariz Hierro.,69040302,69040303

Contributed by Bertha A Contreras Saenz January 15, 2015


PatErnieAlderete originally shared this on 15 Nov 2010 on

I have not verified this.

Maria Guerrero Oñate/Captain Bernardo Asque Armendaris Ausens Burguette-Auritz-Navarra, Spain/Espana/Parral-Chihuahua-Nueva Biscaya-Mexico

1640s- Captain Bernardo Asque y Armendariz Aussens born about/nacido acerca 1640s Burguette-Auritz, Navarra-Spain/Espana

Maria Guerrero de Oñate born about/nacida acerca 1640s Burguette-Auritz, Navarra-Spain/Espana

The first Spanish settlers to arrive in New Mexico were in the party of Juan de Onate y Salazar in 1598.

Onate is a Hispanicized spelling of the original Basque name Onati, which means someone from the town of Onati in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa.

Five known children of/Cinco hijos de Bernardo Asque y Armendariz Ausens/Maria Guerrero Onate:

Our ancestor/Nuestro antepasado Bernardo Azcue Armendariz Guerrero born about 1663-71 San Diego de Minas Nuevas-Chihuahua

Ana Azcue Armendariz Guerrero born about 1665 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua/married Lazaro Saldana

Diego Azcue Armendariz Guerrero born 16?? Mexico

Andres Azcue Armendariz Guerrero born about 1669-74 Cuencame-Durango/married Antonia Hierro Vera June 4, 1691 Valle de Allende, or Parral Not Allende Not Parral

Miguel Azcue Armendariz Guerrero born 16?? Mexico

Maria Guerrero listed as deceased in the 1677 second marriage record of her husband, Captain Bernardo Asque y Armendariz Ausens noted below:

Bernardo Armendaris December 26, 1677 Parral second marriage to Maria del Hierro Cereceda:

“In the designated home of Regina (“de Vera” crossed out) Gonzales by order of our most sacred Catholic Church, Don Captain Bernardo de Asque y Armendariz, a neighbor of this Realm of Minas Nuevas, widower of Dona Maria Guerrero, a native of the Kingdom of Navarra, legitimate son of Don Juan Asque y Armendariz and Cathalina de Aussens, with Dona Maria del Hierro Cereceda from the Valley of San Bartolome (now Allende), legitimate daughter of the late Captain Andres del Hierro y Cereceda, and of the previously mentioned Regina Gonzales, witnesses included Don Bartolome del Hierro Grados, Captain-General of this Realm, Ygnacio Leiton, Vici. Justicia of this Realm, and many other people.”

Witness Ygnacio Leiton born August 24, 1630 in Victoria de Durango-Durango, then capital of Nueva Biscaya which included what would become Chihuahua after Mexican independence.

Manuel Ascue Hierro baptised October 2, 1680 Parral-Chihuahua

Maria Cathalina Asque Hierro born December 12, 1683 Parral-Chihuahua: “born in the zone of the hospital of the naturals of this community, Maria Cathalina, (Spanish in margin) daughter of Bernardo Asque Armendaris and Maria del HierroCereceda”

January 11, 1685 Parral: Captain Bernardo Asque Armendariz acting as executor of the will of his second mother-in-law, Regina Vera, frees a mulato slave named only Diego on the condition that Diego pay 250 pesos, which he does pay. Diego may be the unnamed mulatto mentioned in the following baptism:

Pedro Asque Hierro baptised December 10, 1685 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua:

“On the 10th of December 1685 I baptized Pedro, Spanish infant son of Bernardo Asque and Maria Hierro, a mulatto performed a valid emergency baptism by water and did

well, godfather Domingo de Sanssamalo, Captain of the Presidio of Serro Gordo.”

Regina Asque Hierro baptised May 21, 1690 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua:

Parents Bernardo Asque Armendariz/Maria del Hierro Cereceda births in Allende skip from 1686 to 1692 Juachin Asque Hierro baptised April 14, 1692 Allende-Chihuahua:

“In the chapel of the hacienda of San Lorenzo of the descendants of Captain Andres del Hierro in the Valle of San Bartolome, I baptized Juachin, legitimate son of Captain Bernardo Asque y Almendaris and Maria del Hierro Zereceda, godfather Magn. Martin de Ugalde, Captain of the Presidio of Serro Gordo”

Francisca Rossa Asque Hierro married July 13, 1693 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua: “In the chapel of the descendants of Captain Andres Hierro, Spanish daughter of Bernardo Asque Almendaris/Maria Hierro, godparents Captain Martin de Ugalde and Antonia Hierro.”

Juan Ygnacio Asque Hierro baptised March 3, 1695 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua: “Spanish infant son of Captain Bearnardo Asque Armendaris and Maria Hierro, godfather General Juan Leal de Retana, Captain of the Presidio of Conchos.”

52 year-old Captain Bernardo Asque y Armendariz godfather at the July 31, 1692 Valle de Allende baptism of grandson, Juan Francisco Asque y Armendaris y Hierro.

Miguel Christobal Saldana Asque Armendaris baptised February 8, 1694 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua: “legitimate son of Ana de Asque Armendariz Guerrero, baptised by water in case of emergency by his grandfather, Captain Bernardo Asque Armendaris.”

Bernardo Fermin Saldana Asque Armendaris baptised October 5, 1696 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua: “legitimate son of Ana de Asque Armendaris, godparents (namesake and maternal grandfather) Bernardo Asque Armendaris and Maria Asque Armendaris.”

Regina Asque Hierro married Joseph Prieto de Aranda December 3, 1719 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua: 29 year-old “Regina Asque Hierro, daughter of Captain Bernardo Asque Armendaris and Maria del Hierro, both deceased, godparents Simon Cordero/Juana Prieto.”

MarriageMarriage of Bernardo Armendariz and Maria Hierro in Hidalgo del ParralMarriage of Bernardo Armendariz and Maria Hierro in Hidalgo del Parral
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MarriagePart of Regina de Vera's Will Gives Details About Bernardo Asque and wife Maria HierroPart of Regina de Vera's Will Gives Details About Bernardo Asque and wife Maria Hierro
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PropertyVisita to Hacienda San Lorenzo in 1696 by AuthoritiesVisita to Hacienda San Lorenzo in 1696 by Authorities
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DeathFirst Page of Bernardo Armendariz y Ascue's Probate, 1697First Page of Bernardo Armendariz y Ascue's Probate, 1697
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Media objectBernardo Asque y Armendariz, Husband of Maria de Vera, Appointed Executor And Guardian of Regina's EstateBernardo Asque y Armendariz, Husband of Maria de Vera, Appointed Executor And Guardian of Regina's Estate
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Type: Document
Media objectMarriage of Bernardo Armendariz and Maria Hierro in Hidalgo del ParralMarriage of Bernardo Armendariz and Maria Hierro in Hidalgo del Parral
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File size: 176 KB
Type: Document