Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Possible Jane Braines in 1881

Jane BRAINES1836

Given names
Note: As a child she lived with her grandfather Thomas Braines and his adult children Mary and Thomas in Keystone. She is likely the daughter Mary. She married John Julyan in Thrapston and lived to an old age in Thorpe Northamptonshire. It is also possible that she is the daughter of either Thomas or Elizabeth.
Birth 1836 33
Death of a maternal grandmotherElizabeth DRAPER?
February 10, 1837 (Age 13 months) Age: 68
Note: From the Keystone Parish Records,
Census 1841 (Age 5 years)
Note: In 1841 Jane age 5 was in household of Thomas Braines Sr along with Thomas Jr and Mary, his grown ch…
Marriage of a parentAllen CHURCHMary BRAINESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
January 29, 1846 (Age 10 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas BRAINES
June 26, 1850 (Age 14 years) Age: 84
Note: GRO Record: Thomas Braines, age 84, Shepherd, died Keyston, witnessed by Sophia Rawson, Reg District Thrapston, Subdistrict Raunds, Huntingdonshire. Burial record in Keystone Parish stated: Thomas Braines, age 84, Abode Keystone, Buried Jun 28, 1850. SOG HU/R 38
Census 1851 (Age 15 years)
Note: Jane was living with Mary Braines, recently married to Allen Church. Mary was either Jane's Aunt or her mother.
MarriageJohn JULYANView this family
1861 (Age 25 years)
Census 1861 (Age 25 years)

Note: Likely entry for Jane Braines of Keystone. She claimed Keystone in some Censuses and Upton in other…
Baptism of a sonFrederick William JULYAN
July 20, 1862 (Age 26 years)
Death of a motherMary BRAINES
1880 (Age 44 years)
Note: Death Record for Mary Church
CensusJohn JULYANView this family
1911 (Age 75 years)

Death of a husbandJohn JULYAN
April 1922 (Age 86 years) Age: 88
Note: England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007
Family with parents - View this family
Mother’s family with Allen CHURCH - View this family
Marriage: January 29, 1846Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Family with John JULYAN - View this family
Marriage: 1861Thrapston District, Northamptonshire, England
19 months


In 1841 Jane age 5 was in household of Thomas Braines Sr along with Thomas Jr and Mary, his grown children.


Jane was living with Mary Braines, recently married to Allen Church. Mary was either Jane's Aunt or her mother.


Likely entry for Jane Braines of Keystone. She claimed Keystone in some Censuses and Upton in others.

Jane Branes 24 Relation: Servant Where born: Upton, Huntingdonshire, England Civil Parish: Thrapston Town: Thrapston County/Island: Northamptonshire Country: England Registration district: Thrapston Sub-registration district: Thrapston

William Smith 71 Ann Smith 75 Jane Branes 24 servant (In later census she said she was from Keystone.)


As a child she lived with her grandfather Thomas Braines and his adult children Mary and Thomas in Keystone. She is likely the daughter Mary. She married John Julyan in Thrapston and lived to an old age in Thorpe Northamptonshire. It is also possible that she is the daughter of either Thomas or Elizabeth.


This is probably the marriage record of Jane Braines who was born in Keystone in 1836. But there was also a Jane Braines from the area who died about 1856.

England and Wales Marriage Registration Index for Jane Braines Registration Quarter Oct-Nov-Dec Registration Year 1861 Registration District Thrapston County Northamptonshire Event Place Thrapston, Northamptonshire, England Volume 3B Page 387 Jane Braines probably married John Julyan

The 1881 census for Johan and Jane Julyan supports this thesis:

1881 Census for Jane Julyan Spouse: John Julyan Where born: Keystone, Huntingdon, England Civil Parish: Thorpe Achurch County/Island: Northamptonshire Country: England Street address: Thorpe Village Marital Status: Married Occupation: Ag Lab Wife Registration district: Oundle
Name Age John Julyan 45 Jane Julyan 43 wife Fredk W. Julyan 18

CensusJane Braines, 14, Living with Mary Braines Church in KeystoneJane Braines, 14, Living with Mary Braines Church in Keystone
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MarriageMarriage Recorded in British ArchivesMarriage Recorded in British Archives
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CensusFamily Entry in 1911 CensusFamily Entry in 1911 Census
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CensusCover Page For 1991 Census EntryCover Page For 1991 Census Entry
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Media objectPossible Jane Braines in 1881Possible Jane Braines in 1881
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File size: 337 KB
Type: Document