Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Capitan Melchior de AGUILERA1604

Capitan Melchior de AGUILERA
Name prefix
Given names
Also known as
Melchor de Aguilera
Birth 1604
Note: In Poblar de Frontera, pg 381, the 1650 census of Parral, it states that Melchior was native to Pueb…
City Planner
1632 (Age 28 years)
Note: "Urbanizing our mining center was an arduous task that was part of the claims of the local powers. F…
Entries From Fondos de Parral
1632 (Age 28 years)

Note: 1632 Titulo de un solar de que se dio posesion a don Melchor de Aguilera. 5 ff. Véase no. 6266 (C1.499). Rescatado.
Baptism of a sonMelchor de AGUILERA y CASTILLA
February 7, 1635 (Age 31 years)
Note: In Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Melchor Aguilera Castillo
Residence 1636 (Age 32 years)
Note: Capitán Melchor de Aguilera requests a site (solar) for a place to live in the mining region. The re…

Page 3 of Capitain de Aguiler's Request for Living Site
Page 3 of Capitain de Aguiler's Request for Living Site

Note: Handwritten note from Captain Melchior de Aguilera with his full signature.

Baptism of a sonManuel de AGUILERA CASTILLA
February 1, 1637 (Age 33 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Manuel Aguilera Castillo
Baptism of a sonDiego de AGUILERA Y CASTILLA
June 12, 1639 (Age 35 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Diego Aguilera Castillo
Baptism of a daughterJosepha de AGUILERA y CASTILLA
April 18, 1641 (Age 37 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Josepha Agilera Castilla
Military May 12, 1641 (Age 37 years)
Source: Civil colonial records from the Province of Nueva Viscaya
Note: Melchior de Aguilera's name is shown on page 3 of "Lista de vecinos, estantes y habitantes para tomar las armas por mandato de Melchor de Valdés, teniente de capitán general y alcalde mayor de las minas de Parral. " List of citizens, estates, and inhabitants to take up arms bu order of Melchor de Valdés, Lt Captain General and mayor of the Mines of Parral.
Baptism of a sonNicolas de AGUILERA y CASTILLA
October 4, 1643 (Age 39 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Nicolas Aguilera Castillo
Marriage of a childManuel de MENDOZAJuana de AGUILERAView this family
June 13, 1644 (Age 40 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950 For Manuel De Mendoza
Baptism of a daughterGerónima de AGUILERA Y CASTILLA
May 10, 1646 (Age 42 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Geronima Aguilera Castilla
Census 1650 (Age 46 years)
Marriage of a childFrancisco Zereso RENDONAntonia de AGUILERA y CASTILLAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 8, 1651 (Age 47 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Antonia De Aguilera Y Castilla
Capitan in the Militia
1657 (Age 53 years)
Note: From Fondos de Parral. Muster of the citizens of Real Parral and San Diego the the war against the…
Death of a daughterGerónima de AGUILERA Y CASTILLA
March 16, 1693 (Age 89 years)
Note: Geronima's death was given in her will in 1696.
Death of a wifeGerónima de CASTILLA
before 1696 (Age 92 years)

Note: Testamentaria de Geronima de Aguilera y Castilla. 27 ff. Año 1696 Stated that her parents Melchior Aguilera and Gerónima de Castilla were already deceased.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 31, 1593Sagrario Metropolitano, Puebla De Zaragoza, Puebla, Mexico
7 years
elder sister
4 years
-9 years
elder sister
Family with Gerónima de CASTILLA - View this family
2 years
22 months
3 years
3 years
Baptism: May 10, 1646 42 37San Jose, Hidalgo Del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: March 16, 1693Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico

MilitaryCivil colonial records from the Province of Nueva Viscaya

In Poblar de Frontera, pg 381, the 1650 census of Parral, it states that Melchior was native to Puebla. His parents were from Puebla.

The date is from his entry on findagrave.


"Urbanizing our mining center was an arduous task that was part of the claims of the local powers. Four months after the discovery of the mines, loyal mayor Juan Esquera and Rosas tried to impose rules to prevent the real from continuing to develop in a chaotic way. He ordered to measure urban lots by two veedores who recognized all homes, cuadrilas, corales for animals and sites for fuels and haciendas of benefit."

"The inspectors appointed for the measurement of the sites and plots of land of this royal decree" were called Cosme Roman and MELCHOR AGUILERA. (pg 103, Poblar la Frontera)


1632 Titulo de un solar de que se dio posesion a don Melchor de Aguilera. 5 ff. Véase no. 6266 (C1.499). Rescatado.


Capitán Melchor de Aguilera requests a site (solar) for a place to live in the mining region. The request was initiated in 1632.

Titulo de un solar de que se dio posesion a don Melchor de Aguilera. 5 ff. Véase no. 6266 (C1.499). Rescatado.


Melchior de Aguilera's name is shown on page 3 of "Lista de vecinos, estantes y habitantes para tomar las armas por mandato de Melchor de Valdés, teniente de capitán general y alcalde mayor de las minas de Parral. " List of citizens, estates, and inhabitants to take up arms bu order of Melchor de Valdés, Lt Captain General and mayor of the Mines of Parral.


From Fondos de Parral. Muster of the citizens of Real Parral and San Diego the the war against the Indians for General Enrique Davila y Pacheco, governor and general.

AHMPFCC10001007 Milicia y guerra Padrones de milicia Real de San José del Parral 28/07/1657

Muestra de los vecinos del Real del Parral y San Diego para la guerra contra los indios enemigos, por el general Enrique Dávila y Pacheco, gobernador y capitán general.

Shared note

Information on this family and individuals is contained in the heritage document of Cristobal de Aguilera in 1653, shown below.

AHMPFCA08001013 Gobierno y administración Informaciones Real de San José del Parral 12/08/1653 Diligencias de información adperpetuam reinmemorian, promovidas por el alférez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla, sobre ser hijo legítimo del capitán Melchor de Aguilera y Jerónima de Castilla, así como tener el oficio de alférez de infantería. (Fondos de Parral)

On page 6 of the document, the respondent states "...los dichos Estevan de Aguilera y Christina de Santiago, abuelos paternos del dicho Cristobal Aguilera y Castilla, y Don Juan Castilla y Maria de Niebla, abuelos maternos de dicho pretendiente, y el Capitan Melchor de Aguilera y J Gerónima del Castilla, su padres, .. son por ambas ligneas maternos y paternos Christianos Viejos Limpios de moros judios ni de nueva ..." (Commas added for clarity.)

"The said Estevan Aguiler and Christina Santiago, paternal grandparents of the said Cristobal Aguilera Castilla, and Don Juan Castilla and Maria Niebla, maternal grandparents of said applicant, and Captain Melchor Aguilera and J Gerónima Castilla, his parents, are on both maternal and paternal lines, Old Christians, clear of Muslim,Jewish or new ..."

Shared note

UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index A "proof" of heritage - testimony to blood line. Serial Number 100-00478 Title A proof of heritage - testimony to blood line. Author(s) Aguilera y Castilla, C. de (Alferez)Vega y Salazar, G. de (Capitan General)Reyes, G. de las (Capitan)Sepulveda, A. deAguilera, M. de (Capitan)Castilla, G. deCastilla, J. de (Capitan)Niebla, M. Date 08-00-1653 Documentation San Joseph del Parral. August 1653 orig. Sgnd. Summary This is a petition by alfarez Cristobal for permission to get testimony to his family heritage. He presents a 12 question document, then gets responses from Approx. 8 people who attest to his heritage. It seems his grandmother (on his Mother's Side) was a daughter? of a Conquistador and an original citizen of Mexico City. All testimony is positive. No ruling included here. Persons- alfarez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla of Parral and Mexico City; Capt-general Geronimo de Vega y Salazar of Parral, justicia; Capt. Geronimo de las Reyes of Parral; Antonio de supulveda, Vezino of Parral; Capt. Diego Morales of Villa of San Diego; Capt. Bartolome Gutierrez de Villanuno of Parral; Capt. Melchor de Aguilera (dad); Geronomia de Castilla (mom); Capt. Juan de Castilla; Maria de Niebla. (R. Davis) (1975) Persons Aguilera y Castilla, Cristobal de (Alfarez) Vega y Salazar, Geronimo de (Capitan-General) Reyes, Geronimo de las (Capitan) Sepulveda, Antonio de (Vezino) Morales, Diego (Capitan) Gutierrez de Villanuno, Bartolome (Capitan) Aguilera, Melchor de (Capitan) Castilla, Geronomia de Castilla, Juan de (Capitan) Niebla, Maria de Places San Joseph del Parral First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1653a fr. 0460-0475.

AHMPFCA08001013 Gobierno y administración Informaciones Real de San José del Parral 12/08/1653 Diligencias de información adperpetuam reinmemorian, promovidas por el alférez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla, sobre ser hijo legítimo del capitán Melchor de Aguilera y Jerónima de Castilla, así como tener el oficio de alférez de infantería. (Fondos de Parral)

ResidencePage 1 of Documents of Captain de Aguilera's Request for a SitePage 1 of Documents of Captain de Aguilera's Request for a Site
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Type: Document
ResidencePage 3 of Capitain de Aguiler's Request for Living SitePage 3 of Capitain de Aguiler's Request for Living Site
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Image dimensions: 737 × 945 pixels
File size: 926 KB
Type: Document
Note: Handwritten note from Captain Melchior de Aguilera with his full signature.
MilitaryMelchior de Aguilera, Called To Arms In Parral, 1641Melchior de Aguilera, Called To Arms In Parral, 1641
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Image dimensions: 781 × 421 pixels
File size: 415 KB
Type: Document
Census1650 Census of San Jose, Melchior de Aguilera1650 Census of San Jose, Melchior de Aguilera
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Image dimensions: 1,262 × 478 pixels
File size: 649 KB
Type: Document
MilitaryCapitan Melchior de Aguilera listed in Militia of ParralCapitan Melchior de Aguilera listed in Militia of Parral
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Image dimensions: 713 × 564 pixels
File size: 122 KB
Type: Document