Jimmie Lou CUDDEBACKAge: 71 years1936–2007
- Name
- Jimmie Lou CUDDEBACK
- Given names
- Jimmie Lou
- Surname
- Married name
- Jimmie Lou McCABE
![]() | August 14, 1936 |
![]() | September 5, 2007 (Age 71 years) |
Family with Gerald Blake “Gerry” McCABE |
husband |
Gerald Blake “Gerry” McCABE Birth: January 18, 1937 28 23 — Cameron Co Tx Death: December 28, 2013 — Amarillo, Potter Co, TX |
herself |
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Private |
daughter |
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Private |
Death | From findagrave for Jimmie Lou McCabe Birth: Aug. 14, 1936 Death: Sep. 5, 2007 NAME: Jimmie Lou Cuddeback McCabe AGE: 71 SERVICES: Vigil services will be at 6:00 PM Friday, September 7, 2007, at Carmichael-Whatley Colonial Chapel, and Funeral Mass will be at 11:00 AM Saturday, September 8, 2007, at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church, with Rev. Francisco Perez, officiating. ENTOMBMENT: Memory Gardens Chapel of Peace Mausoleum, Pampa, Texas BIOGRAPHY: Mrs. McCabe was born August 14, 1936 in Grandfield, Oklahoma, to Harvey & Jimmie Cuddeback. She was reared in Loveland, Oklahoma, and graduated from Loveland High School in 1955. She married Gerald McCabe on June 1, 1957 in Wichita Falls. She had been a resident of Pampa since 1969. She was a member of St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church. She loved to garden and tend to her flowers. SURVIVORS: Husband: Gerald McCabe of the home. 3 Daughters: Janelle Luellen of Little Elm, Teresa McClintock of Fort McKavett, and Paula McCabe of Amarillo. 1 Son: Blake McCabe of Austin. 9 Grandchildren, 3 Great-Grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Owen Cuddeback. MEMORIALS: Alzheimer's Association, 1400 Wallace Blvd., Amarillo, Texas 79106. |
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