Sarah Jane HANNONAge: 49 years1855–1904
- Name
- Sarah Jane HANNON
- Given names
- Sarah Jane
- Surname
- Married name
- Sarah Jane GRIFFIN
Note: According to birth record of her son Charles in 1894, Sarah Jane's maiden name was Hannon.
![]() | 1855 Note: From death record.
![]() | August 28, 1904 (Age 49 years) |
Family with John GRIFFIN |
husband |
John GRIFFIN Birth: 1851 38 Death: September 29, 1925 — Tinahely, Wicklow, Ireland |
herself |
Sarah Jane HANNON Birth: 1855 Death: August 28, 1904 — Knocknaboley Wicklow Ireland |
Birth | From death record. |
Name | According to birth record of her son Charles in 1894, Sarah Jane's maiden name was Hannon. |
Death | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,057 × 365 pixels File size: 213 KB Type: Document |