Sergio Gomez Family Nov 2020

Juan de CASTILLA1616

Name prefix
Given names
MarriageMaria de NIEBLAView this family

Note: See part 3 of the Cristobal Aguilera deposition of 1753.
Birth of a daughter
Gerónima de CASTILLA
about 1609

Note: Our ancestor Juan de Castilla and his wife Maria de Niebla were killed in the infamous Revolt of the…
Death of a wifeMaria de NIEBLA
1616 (on the date of death)
Note: Maria de Niebla died in the Tepehuan Indian uprising of 1616 in Santiago Papasquiaro, according to t…
Death 1616
Note: From the Heritage file of Cristobal de Aguilera written in 1653, in the Fondos de Parral:

See part 3 of the Cristobal Aguilera deposition of 1753.

Juan and Maria were evidently married in the mining town of Topia, Durango and, as a soldier, he was subsequently sent with his family to Santiago Papasquiaro where the family, except for two children, were killed in the Tepehuana Rebellion of 1616.


From the Heritage file of Cristobal de Aguilera written in 1653, in the Fondos de Parral:

Page 12, item 6. "A la sesta pregunta dijo que sabe que Capitán Juan del Castilla Uso oficios "onor ficos defustta" de que dió buena cuenta y administrandola en el pueblo de Santiago Papasquiaro los indios de la Nasion Tepehuana por el año de 1616 en el general alzadaron. Le mataron y a la Doña? su mujer y quemaron las casas de su vivienda cautibando su hijos de tierna edad y entre ellos a Doña Gerónima de Castilla madre de Alfares Cristoval de Aguilera y la tuvieron ensuseruicio tiempo de mas de tres años señandola con rayas en la barba a su usansa. Hasta que General Don Gaspar de Alvear y Salasar caballero de la orden de Santiago X?X deste reino con el exercito de su cargo."

Page 8, item 6. " ... Capitan de Castilla ... dando simpre buena cuenta ... sabe que siendo alcalde mayor y capitán a guerra del pueblo de Santiago Papasquiaro. Lo mataron a el y a su mujer J Maria de Niebla ..."

"Twenty-six soldiers under the leadership of Captain Martin de Olivas left Durango the following day, but it was not soon enough to save the Spaniards surrounded by hostile Tepehuanes in the church at Santiago Papasquiaro. Joined by others from Santa Catalina who had killed Hernando de Tovar and those from Atotonilco, the Tepehuanes at Santiago Papasquiaro now numbered approximately 500 on horseback and on foot, led by a Tepehuan known as Francisco. On the eighteenth, the insurgents first burned all the dwellings in the place and then set fire to the church. They then offered their captives a chance to escape, If they would give up their weapons, the Tepehuanes would allow the Spanish, with their wives and children, to go free. The desperate Spanish replied that they would like nothing better than to depart for the capital and leave their lands to the Tepehuanes. They then formed a procession, led by Diego de Orozco, who carried the eucharist, followed by Lieutenant JUAN DE CASTILLA, who held a large statue of the Virgin. At first the warriors seemed to remember the teachings of the Jesuits and approached the eucharist on their knees. They demanded the Spaniards' weapons which were given up. Then one warrior seized a sword, attacked Orozco and killed him, crying out that his god had told him that today all the Christians must die. Only six survived the general massacre that followed; three Spaniards, Andrés de Urrué, Pedro Cruz de Gelada' and Sim6n Martinez—one badly wounded—and two boys, ages seven and ten, along with Maria Chåvez, their mulatta nurse."

Taken from Chapter 7 of THE TEPEHUAN REVOLT OF 1616, Charlotte M. Gradie,The University of Utah Press,2000.


Information on this family and individuals is contained in the heritage document of Cristobal de Aguilera in 1653, shown below.

AHMPFCA08001013 Gobierno y administración Informaciones Real de San José del Parral 12/08/1653 Diligencias de información adperpetuam reinmemorian, promovidas por el alférez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla, sobre ser hijo legítimo del capitán Melchor de Aguilera y Jerónima de Castilla, así como tener el oficio de alférez de infantería. (Fondos de Parral)

On page 6 of the document, the respondent states "...los dichos Estevan de Aguilera y Christina de Santiago, abuelos paternos del dicho Cristobal Aguilera y Castilla, y Don Juan Castilla y Maria de Niebla, abuelos maternos de dicho pretendiente, y el Capitan Melchor de Aguilera y J Gerónima del Castilla, su padres, .. son por ambas ligneas maternos y paternos Christianos Viejos Limpios de moros judios ni de nueva ..." (Commas added for clarity.)

"The said Estevan Aguiler and Christina Santiago, paternal grandparents of the said Cristobal Aguilera Castilla, and Don Juan Castilla and Maria Niebla, maternal grandparents of said applicant, and Captain Melchor Aguilera and J Gerónima Castilla, his parents, are on both maternal and paternal lines, Old Christians, clear of Muslim,Jewish or new ..."

UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index A "proof" of heritage - testimony to blood line. Serial Number 100-00478 Title A proof of heritage - testimony to blood line. Author(s) Aguilera y Castilla, C. de (Alferez)Vega y Salazar, G. de (Capitan General)Reyes, G. de las (Capitan)Sepulveda, A. deAguilera, M. de (Capitan)Castilla, G. deCastilla, J. de (Capitan)Niebla, M. Date 08-00-1653 Documentation San Joseph del Parral. August 1653 orig. Sgnd. Summary This is a petition by alfarez Cristobal for permission to get testimony to his family heritage. He presents a 12 question document, then gets responses from Approx. 8 people who attest to his heritage. It seems his grandmother (on his Mother's Side) was a daughter? of a Conquistador and an original citizen of Mexico City. All testimony is positive. No ruling included here. Persons- alfarez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla of Parral and Mexico City; Capt-general Geronimo de Vega y Salazar of Parral, justicia; Capt. Geronimo de las Reyes of Parral; Antonio de supulveda, Vezino of Parral; Capt. Diego Morales of Villa of San Diego; Capt. Bartolome Gutierrez de Villanuno of Parral; Capt. Melchor de Aguilera (dad); Geronomia de Castilla (mom); Capt. Juan de Castilla; Maria de Niebla. (R. Davis) (1975) Persons Aguilera y Castilla, Cristobal de (Alfarez) Vega y Salazar, Geronimo de (Capitan-General) Reyes, Geronimo de las (Capitan) Sepulveda, Antonio de (Vezino) Morales, Diego (Capitan) Gutierrez de Villanuno, Bartolome (Capitan) Aguilera, Melchor de (Capitan) Castilla, Geronomia de Castilla, Juan de (Capitan) Niebla, Maria de Places San Joseph del Parral First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1653a fr. 0460-0475.

AHMPFCA08001013 Gobierno y administración Informaciones Real de San José del Parral 12/08/1653 Diligencias de información adperpetuam reinmemorian, promovidas por el alférez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla, sobre ser hijo legítimo del capitán Melchor de Aguilera y Jerónima de Castilla, así como tener el oficio de alférez de infantería. (Fondos de Parral)

MarriageOne Response For "Old Pure Blood" Proof of Cristobal Aguilera's AncestryOne Response For "Old Pure Blood" Proof of Cristobal Aguilera's Ancestry
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