Second and Third Page of Regina Vera's Will. Names her Living Children
Given names | Surname | Sosa | Birth | Place | Death | Age | Place | Last change | ||||||||
Beatriz del HIERRO de Cereceda | 0 | March 19, 2025 - 8:19:25 p.m. | F | YES | YES | |||||||||||
Regina VERA GONZALES Regina del HIERRO Regina de Vera Gonzales Regina de Vera | March 3, 1639 | 386 | San Jose, Hidalgo Del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico | 9 | 1685 | 340 | 45 | Valle de San Bartolomé, Chihuahua, Mexico | October 5, 2020 - 6:43:45 p.m. | F | YES | YES |