Tom McCabes Genealogy 2022

Entries for Kemmitt/Griffin from Marquessa Rockingham Receipts Book

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Type: Manuscript
Title: Entries for Kemmitt/Griffin from Marquessa Rockingham Receipts Book

These sample entries from MS 6062 and MS 4945 in the National Library show Kemmitt/Griffin were active renters on the Marquessa Rockingham Estate which was taken over by Lord Fitzwilliam in the 1780s. It also show the lease agreement for Kemmitt/Griffin.

Last change August 17, 201210:02:35

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
about 17502742before 183419084Knocknaboley, Wicklow, IrelandJune 7, 2023 - 5:14:55 p.m.