Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families

1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families
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Type: Document
Title: 1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families

On the same page, the census lists families of Benino, his father Juan Francisco , and his grandfather Antonio (all) Manzanares. It also shows Antonio, at the age of 80, had a new wife Isidora and two small children.

Last change January 16, 202020:13:47

by: Tom McCabe
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Benigno Manzanares
Jose Begnino Manzanares
September 20, 1860164Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico8190312242New MexicoMay 27, 2021 - 1:31:08 a.m.
Antonio Manzanares
about 1797228Nuevo Mexico, Nueva España5June 8, 2021 - 12:54:13 a.m.
Juan Francisco MANZANARES
December 21, 1834190Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico5April 6, 2019 - 3:01:01 a.m.