Domingo Fierro joined the dragoons in 1779 and was retired in 1791 due to age.
Shared note | Domingo Fierro joined the dragoons in 1779 and was retired in 1791 due to age. UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile FIERRO, JOSE DOMINGO BID Number 5899 Birth N.D.: CONCHOS (PRESIDIO) Occupation 1779 Aug 15: PARRAL/(ENLISTED, 2ND COMP. 1ST SQUAD.DRAGONES PROVINCIALES DE SAN CARLOS)1791 Jan 16: PARRAL/(DISCHARGED, DUE TO AGE) Family FIERRO, LAZARO (F)SALCIDA, RITA (M) Notes AGE LISTED 23 Source PRIMARY SOURCE Sources AZU FILM 318, PARRAL 1790 B, FR. 913 |