Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Much of the ancestry of John McNabb of Morgan Co Indiana who died in 1836 is taken (and verified as…

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Much of the ancestry of John McNabb of Morgan Co Indiana who died in 1836 is taken (and verified as much as possible) from:

McNabb Family of Lancaster, Pa, Cecil County Maryland, Augusta Co, Va. , York County, SC Lynne Bratton Maxwell 6-26-2012 lynnemaxwell@roadr

This is my skeleton outline theory of the four McNabb brothers that constituted the ancestry of the majority of McNabb family members today in the USA that were in country before 1800: namely John, Andrew, William and Patt. All are found by 1742 in Augusta County, Va., Borden’s Great Tract. Other than Patt’s military mention, no other documents have I located. Family history is that he died without a will in Augusta Co, Va. before 1790. His brother, William McNabb, with family of sons, Baptist, Samuel, James and John, is well documented in this tree and is not included in this report history. The brothers John and Andrew McNabb are the subjects of this paper.

(Note: There is no documentation that James McNabb and wife Sarah Roper are the parents of William McNabb and wife Elizabeth Carpenter.)

John McNabb appears to be the oldest of the 4 McNabb males as he is too old for military service in 1742. John and brother, Andrew McNabb, are in Lancaster County, Penn in 1740 when Andrew’s daughter, Annisbelle marries Oliver Wallace, Sr. Also, Andrew’s daughter, Margaret marries her first cousin, William McNabb. William is John McNabb’s first son. This makes William both Andrew McNabb’s son-in-law and his nephew. William McNabb and wife, Margaret McNabb, are listed in Andrew’s will as “son-in-law and my daughter.” William and Margaret remain in Penn while their fathers travel to Augusta Co, Va. and then on to Camden District (later York County, SC). Slightly before the outbreak of the Rev War, William and Margaret McNabb, appear to travel to SC to join Margaret’s father, Andrew McNabb, sister, Annisbelle McNabb Oliver, and brother, Robert.

Margaret and William McNabb are the parents to at least, Andrew, James, Archibald and John William: Three are documented to be Rev War soldiers. Andrew McNabb, son of William remains in Penn, but later leaves to travel to Bourbon County, Kentucky. His brother, Archibald McNabb, is in Bourbon County, Ky. when in 1813 he states his age at 75. The original John McNabb, the elder, likely dies in Augusta Co., Va. This is the John that buys land and then sells the property to Baptist McNabb, his nephew, son of his youngest brother, William. Likely, other children of John and Mary McNabb are, Francis, who marries Arthur McClure. Jacob and Elisha McNabb, both found in 1780’s records of Washington County, Tn. are likely other sons.

Sons of William McNabb (son of elder John) and Margaret McNabb (daughter of elder Andrew) namely James and John William travel with parents as they join Margaret’s father in Camden Dist, SC. Andrew had left Augusta Co, Va. by 1750 and was in SC with second wife, Mary Margaret, daughter Annisbelle and husband, Oliver Wallace, Sr. Andrew and wife Margaret deed land to “our son Robert” in Sept 1767. Son Robert is married to the former Mary Elizabeth Marshall. This couple has 3 children: Henry, Sarah and Elizabeth. In 1777, Robert’s father, Andrew McNabb, along with Annisbelle, Margaret, Robert with wife, Mary Marshall McNabb, travels to Wilkes Co, Ga. Robert McNabb established McNabb’s Fort in Wilkes Co, Ga. He is killed there in the fall of 1778. Widow McNabb draws pension for Robert’s three children. Also, likely with this group, or at least by the writing of Andrew McNabb’s will and death in 1797, are William (son-in-law, son of John McNabb) and Margaret (daughter of Andrew). William McNabb and Margaret McNabb are mentioned in Andrew’s will as “my son-in-law William McNabb and my daughter, Margaret McNabb”

Last change December 24, 201211:07:11

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Andrew McNABB
1731294Lancaster or Chester Co PA2181521084Bath Co, KYNovember 14, 2020 - 10:22:26 p.m.
1756269PA6about 183618980Morgan Co, INMarch 9, 2016 - 12:27:05 a.m.