Griffin/Saunders Family of Knocknaboley Wicklow

John Griffin and Thomas Kemmitt received a lease based on the life of Thomas' son Charles Kemmitt in…

Shared note

John Griffin and Thomas Kemmitt received a lease based on the life of Thomas' son Charles Kemmitt in 1778. This lease lasted until the 1820's when the estate discovered that Charles had been dead since 1809, having been killed in the Peninsular War in Spain. After that, Kemmitt,Griffin, and a third partner Joseph Pollard farmed the 100 acres without having a formal lease. John Griffin's son Thomas assumed the Griffin portion of the lease by 1824 and apparently his son Peter Griffin took over the Griffin part of the operation in 1843.

A Rental Book for 1770 indicated that John Griffin and Thomas Kemmitt might have been on the land before 1770. (NLI, P.201 )

An 1840 map of the townland shows the southeast corner of Knocknaboley. The Griffin's part of the 100 Irish acre lease is 21 lots numbered 118-138.

The lease as recorded in MS 6001 and other Rental Books states:

In lease to them for the Life of Chas Kemmit Son of said Thos & 21 years from Lady Day 1778. Life in Being. Expires 1799.

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
about 17502742before 183419084Knocknaboley, Wicklow, Ireland