Media object | Baptism Record For Felipa Ribas in 1834, JiménezFormat: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,392 × 1,246 pixels File size: 204 KB Type: Document Note: The baptism record for Felipa clearly shows that her maternal grandparents were Mariano Cobos and Trinidad Serecede. The padrinos to the baptism were Francis Cobos and Maria del Rayo Cobos, siblings of the mother Maria Trinidad Cobos.
| Media object | Nazario Guillen and Trinidad Ribas Marriage Pg 2Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,470 × 1,963 pixels File size: 347 KB Type: Document Note: The parents grandparents of Nazario and Trinidad were listed: The parents grandparents of Nazario and Trinidad were listed:
His: Matias Guillen & Maria Josefa Cano
Don Ignacio Guillen & Doña Leogarda Grado &&
Don Borjas Cano & Doña Ramona Castañeda
Hers: Juan de Dios Ribas & Maria Dolores Cobos
Juan Dios Ribas & Barbare Trejo
Jose Mariano Cobos & Maria Trinidad Serecede
| Media object | Baptism of Maria Trinidad Cobos Serecede in 1825Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,278 × 861 pixels File size: 390 KB Type: Document | Note | Named in the marriage of their granddaughter Trinidad in 1865.
| Last change | January 8, 2020 – 17:24:03
by: Tom McCabe | |