Phelipe GOMESAge: 57 years1648–1706
- Name
- Phelipe GOMES
- Given names
- Phelipe
- Surname
Felipe Gomez
- Name
- Felipe Gomez
- Given names
- Felipe
- Surname
- Gomez
- Type
- also known as
![]() | May 16, 1648 |
![]() | Antonia de VILLANUEVA — View this family yes |
![]() | before 1706 (Age 57 years) Note: Philepe was deceased at the time of his daughter Maria Antonia's marriage in 1706.
Family with Antonia de VILLANUEVA |
himself |
Phelipe GOMES Baptism: May 16, 1648 — San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico Death: before 1706 |
wife |
Antonia de VILLANUEVA Baptism: October 18, 1659 — San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico Death: |
Marriage: — |
daughter | |
daughter | |
son | |
son |
Baptism | (Probable, not certain) Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Phelipe Gomez Gender: Male Baptism Date: 18 may. 1648 Baptism Place: San Jose,Hidalgo Del Parral,Chihuahua,Mexico Father: Dro Gomez Mother: Joana De La Cruz FHL Film Number: 162529 |
Marriage | Antonia de Villanueva and her husband Felipe Gomez are named in the will of Geronima de Aguilera y Castilla. UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile AGUILERA Y CASTILLA, GERONIMA DE BID Number 4108 Birth N.D.: SAN BARTOLOME Death 1693 Mar 16: PARRAL Occupation 1693: PARRAL/VECINA Ethnicity CRIOLLO Family AGUILERA, MELCHOR DE (F)CASTILLA Y PARAZA, GERONIMA DE (M)SANTIAGO LOMBARDO, BERNARDO DE (SN)SANTIAGO LOMBARDO, FELIPA DE (DA)AGUILERA, NICOLAS DE (BR) (LICENCIADO, PRESBITERO)VILLANUEVA, ANTONIA DE (NC)GOMEZ, FELIPE (HUSBAND OF VILLANUEVA, ANTONIA DE) Marriage N.D.: PARRAL/LOMBARDO, NICOLAS Notes HUSBAND DECEASED - ALFEREZ Source PRIMARY SOURCE, WILL AND TESTAMENT Sources AZU, FILM 318, PARRAL 1696, FR. 304-308 |
Death | Philepe was deceased at the time of his daughter Maria Antonia's marriage in 1706. |
Note | Named in their daughter Maria Antonia's marriage record of 1706. |