Tom McCabes Genealogy 2022

Copied from Bennett Genforum. Don Bennett gives some details of William Bennetts family in Pittsylv…

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Copied from Bennett Genforum. Don Bennett gives some details of William Bennetts family in Pittsylvania Co Va.

Don Bennett Date: April 15, 2002 at 20:29:28 In Reply to: Re: Bennetts of Pittsylvania VA


Halifax Co. Plea Book 3, 1760-1762 Feb. Court 1760 pg. 22 Archibald Buchanan, John Bowman & Co., Plfs. V. William Bennett. Richard Bennett became surety for dfts. Appearance. Judgment entered for Plantiff Against William Bennett and Richard Bennett for 38£, 12 s.

In the above court case, Richard Bennett is the surety for the defendant, William Bennett.

List of Voters for Elections of Burgesses 1764-1769 Halifax County, Va.

Poll Taken 28 November 1764 Richd Bennet 82, Peter Bennet 91, Wm. Bennet 125

Poll Taken 17 July 1765 Peter Bennett 80, Wm. Bennatt 102, Richd. Bennet 114, John Bennett 132

As you can see from the poll list, Richard Bennett is still very much alive in 1765..... The first list of tithables of Pittsylvania County in 1767 shows the following: Thomas Bennett Stephen Bennett Richard Bennett William Bennett Chas. Goad

These are in the order in which they appear on the list. William Bennett is shown as also paying the tithe for Charles Goad. Sons Thomas, Stephen, and Richard are nearby. ... line comes through Richard Bennett, son of Peter, who married Asenath Dalton. Another Richard Bennett, son of James, married Nancy Dalton.

Now, James Bobbitt left a Richard Bennett some land on the north side of the Pigg River. This will was probated in 1761, when Richard would have been 28 years old. During this same time frame there is only one Richard appearing in the list of tithables. And, from the Halifax Co. court case noted above, this Richard can be connected to William Bennett.

Sometime about 1779 or 1780 a group of people from Pittsylvania Co. migrated to Montgomery Co., VA. This group included William Bennett, his sons James, Thomas, Benjamin, and Elijah Bennett, son of Thomas. Also in this group were many Bobbits and Daltons.....

Most researchers list 3 children by William Bennett and Hannah Goad, Thomas, Stephen and James. I think there is a fourth, Benjamin. In the 1770 tax list, William pays two tithes for himself and James. By 1773 William is paying 3 tihthes, himself, James and Benjamin. Benjamin must be a child of William who was not yet 16 in 1770.

1770 William Witcher's List Wm Bennett Jr } 2 William Bennett }2

1773 Witcher's List William Bennett Sr } 3 James Bennett Benjamin Bennett Stephen Bennet }2 Richard Bennet - 1 Thomas Bennet - 1

..In Montogomery Co., James and Thomas, sons of William appear in the Montgomery County Militia in the company of William Bobbett. Elijah Bennett, son of Thomas is also on this list. Benjamin Bennett appears in the company of Captain Sanders.

Montgomery Co. Militia 1782-1784 Montgomery Co. Court Records

Montgomery Co. Militia 1782 – 1784 Montgomery Co. Court Records

Capt Wm. Bobbett’s List

James Bennett Samuel Renfron Ruben Lawson Thomas Bennett Abraham Gord William Ginnings James Goad Elijah Benett ....

Captian Sanders Company of Militia Benjamin Bennett

A Pittsylvania County Deed establishes that Thomas Bennett of Montgomery Co. was indeed from Pittsylvania Co.

25 Aug 1780 Deed: Thomas Bennet of Montgomery Co. and Brian Ward Nowlin of Pittsylvania Co. to William Mitchell of Pittsylvania Co., for Pound 100 a tract of 100 acres. Lines: Branches of Potters Cr, Brian Ward Nowlin, Daniel McKenzie Wit: James Mitchell, Robert Dalton, Solomon Dalton Dower: Relinquished by Margaret Bennet DB 6: 70-71 Primary Records: Pittsylvania Co. Deed Transcriptions

Now, Richard and Stephen are noticably absent from Montgomery Co. Richard may have been serving in the Pittsylvania Co. Militia.

28 May 1778 Court Record: Richard Bennet appointed First Lt., John Witcher Second Lt., and Robert Dalton, Junr. Ensign in Capt. William Witcher's company of County Milita Military Records, Pittsylvania Co Va 1767-1783, White, p. 9 [56]

Stephen went to Tennessee and served under Col. John Sevier, his first cousin. John Sevier later became the first governor of Tennessee.

The tax lists from Montgomery Co. also provide additional information.

1782 tax list of Montgomery Co., VA William Bennett, Sr. 0 tithes (indicated advanced age) James Bennett 1 thithe Thomas Bennett 1 Benj. Bennett James Bobbett

By 1789, a Richard Bennett does appear in Montgomery Co. He is listed on Tax list "c" on Big Reed Island, immediately next door to William Bobbett. In 1793, Richard Bennett and William Bobbett are on the tax list of Wythe Co. Tax list "a". (formed from Montgomery) By 1795, only William Bobbett is found on the tax list of Grayson Co. (formed from Wythe Co.) ...... The Bennetts eventually moved back to Pittsylvania Co. as did most of the other families. I have heard it was due to Indian trouble, but I cannot verify this.

What this all shows, though, is that there is a relationship between these Bennetts and the Bobbits. They were certainly neighbors both in Pittsylvania Co and Montgomery Co. But they may have been more. These families certainly could have intermarried. Richard may very well be the son-in-law of James Bobbit. And the Elizabeth Bennett who married James Bobbitt; she could be either the sister or daughter of William Bennett. This is certainly more plausible than the explanation presented by the Bobbit researchers.

I will only touch on this briefly, but from 1800 to 1810, three Richard Bennetts appear on the tax lists in the northern part of Pittsylania Co. One is the son of Peter, one the son of James. The third is listed as Richard Bennett, Sr. indicating he is the oldest of the three. He is also listed as Richard Bennett, Sr. [Pigg River]. Remember, James Bobbitt left Richard Bennett land on the Pigg River.

After 1810, this older Richard disappears from the tax list. From Pittsylvania Co. will we have:

p. 160: Deeds & Wills Book 11, Page 361-362. 14 Feb 1811. Pr: 21 Oct 1811. LWT Richard Bennett Sr being weak in body but of sound mind. After my decease Louvisa Cockram to have two feather beds & furniture, two cows and calves, a horse, saddle, bridle and a Negro Dan, during her natural life and to have the priviledge to live on the plantation as long as she lives, free from molestation. To Charles W. Bobbeett, the land and plantation where I now live, negros George, Sarry, Winston, Easter, Lucy, and Howard, furniture, and balance of livestock. At the death of Louvisa Cockram the part lent her to Charles W. Bobbett. Appoint friends Peyton Graves and Charles W. Bobbett executors. Wit: John Smith, Elijah Towler, Ralph Smith, William Mitchell, William Thompson. Memorandum: Richard Bennett and Charles W. Bobbett agree that in addition to what the will specifies, that Louvisa Cockram is to have my walnut chest, walnut table, the use of my kitchen furniture during her life and maintained as usual out of my crops, this in addition to what has been mentioned in the will, and at her death to Charles W. Bobbitt. Richard Bennett, Charles W. Bobbitt. Wit: John Smith, William Graves, John Graves. William Witcher and Charles Walden security for the executors.

Louisa Cockram, whom Richard left a life estate, was the daughter of James Bobbit. Charles Bobbit is her nephew.

So, my best guess is that this Richard is the son of William Bennett and Mary Humphreys.

Don Bennett

Last change August 7, 201012:50:17

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
February 6, 1733292Middlesex Co Va0August 7, 2010 - 5:53:33 p.m.
January 2, 1702/03 CE (January 13, 1703)322Christ Church, Middlesex Co Va8after 178224378VirginiaApril 17, 2014 - 6:20:45 p.m.